1. I was born on December 23.
2. That makes me a Capricorn.
3. And a dragon.
4. I live in Belgium.
5. I am an only child, as you can tell.
6. I have a sock addiction
7. I have two little sons.
8. I miss Antwerp.
9. I love Charmed
10. I get along wonderfully with my in-laws.
11. I prefer to be barefoot.
12. I can do more than 1 thing at a time.
13. I love spring.
14. I almost never drink coffee
15. I can be very stubborn.
16. I worry too much
17. I love to read.
18. I am a real book addict
19. Especially Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, Jefferey Deaver
20. I am a witch.
21. I’m highly interested in vampires
22. Especially Lestat 😉
23. I hope to never stop learning and growing as a person.
24. I am the godmother of a girl in Germany and a cute little boy in Belgium.
25. I identify most with eastern philosophy.
26. I used to sing in a band.
27. I can be a real pain in the ass.
28. I often laugh.
29. I’m extremely loyal to those I call my friends.
30. I always pick the side of the ‘bad guy’.
31. I love to dream.
32. I collect cookbooks.
33. I’m always experimenting with food when we have guests
34. I love reading in bed or in the bathtub.
35. I love taking baths.
36. I also have a craving for Anne Rice, mysteries, celtic, druid, and pagan texts.
37. I prefer to write with black ink over blue.
38. I prefer to use a fountain pen to write.
39. I really like roller coasters.
40. I like vampire movies.
41. Especially Blade I, II and III.
42. I can be a bit of a perfectionist. Much harder on myself then others.
43. I’m writing a children’s book and hoping to have it published someday.
44. I often write poetry
45. I will always be a little kid
46. Peter Pan.
47. I wish I could see fairies.
48. I’m getting older 😦
49. I wanted to be an actress as a child.
50. I’ve been on TV quiet a few times.
51. I’m an Apple-freak
52. I love my MacBook and iPod
53. I’ve never been stuck in an elevator.
54. I love living life on the edge.
55. I’m still undecided about what I want to be when I grow up.
56. I am net junkie.
57. I often sing while riding my bicycle to work.
58. I admit when I’m wrong.
59. I’m a sucker for Vin Diesel, Wesley Snipes and David Duchovny.
60. I don’t have a middle name
61. I can drive (don’t ask me to park though 😉 )
62. I love spicy food
63. I’m also addicted to Chinese or eastern food
64. I will always put others before myself
65. My favorite color is purple;
66. I want to learn Japanese, Hindi and South African.. so if anyone offers to teach me.
67. I have a few very very very very close friends, and thousands of other friends
68. I love Tigger
69. I graduated as a Ground School Teacher
70. My favorite song is ‘If today was your last day’ by Nickelback (at this current moment)
71. My favorite movie is ‘Dead Poets Society‘
72. After watching it a zillion times, it still makes me cry
73. My favorite play is Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare
74. I dye my hair, like you change clothes
75. I love walking in the rain
76. I don’t like talking on the phone, except with my friends
77. I used to be allergic to garlic, but I’ve grown immune to it..
78. I’ve read ‘Salem’s Lot‘ by Stephen King 27 times
79. It was the first book I bought written by him
80. I love The Sisters of Mercy
81. I want ‘The temple of Love‘ to be played when my ashes are being scattered
82. I have a will
83. I also have a dream
84. Well more than one 🙂
85. I want to travel around in Asia one day
86. I want to die before my loved onese
87. I want to break free
88. I want to rule the world (Watch out Dr. Evil!)
89. I’m a morning person
90. I play the guitar
91. Wish I could play the piano
92. I sometimes write music
93. I have a many-faceted personality
94. I can be extremely clumsy
95. I am a singer
96. I crave sweet things
97. I am a bit out of this world sometimes
98. Wish I could see who would come to my funeral…
99. I make friends very easily
100. I’m fun to be with 😉

10 Responses to “About Me”

  1. Jo Says:

    38. me too (but I gave up on it, Americans don’t use them, and I wouldn’t know where to buy the ink)
    47. do you know some people actually took pictures of fairies ? Martin Gardner wrote about this.
    48. but wiser.
    60. how did that happen?
    85. and the United States, I hope.

  2. mr skin Says:

    I recently watched Find Me Guilty with Vin Diesel and I was pretty blown away by his performance. I am not used to a non-action character for him. I expected him to flop, but he really did a great job.

  3. jenivieve Says:

    Hey, I just started guest blogging for VIP glamour and I have been reading your aticles. I want to let you know that I think you are doing a great job. I was shocked when I came to your page and read that English is not your fisrt language.

    Best wishes,

  4. truelines Says:

    Good to know about U

  5. nicholaskenny Says:

    78 – Whoa, you must really love that book. I’ve only read Misery.

  6. Yojinbo Says:

    You’re also beautiful. Too bad I wasn’t born in Belgium. 😛

  7. kewlblog Says:

    LOVE your POEMS! Im a student, so i dont write a lot, lol, but im trying! 😀

  8. Lyla Says:

    Hi, You don’t know me and I don’t know you. I like to blog a lot and was kind of interested in looking to read other people’s because I like the feeling of not obsessing over my own. I’m not some creepy stalker, I promise. I’m eighteen years old and live in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. That might sound made up, but it’s not. I’m a girl. My face looks a lot different than I feel inside, and I can’t stand cold weather. I like to read the dictionary despite how lame I know it is. I like to sing, but only dance when no one’s watching. I’m a friend to a lot of people, but a lot of people have let me down. The point is, I’d like to follow your blog if you’d let me, but I can’t find a follow button anywhere. My blog address is under my website if you’d like to follow mine as well. Yours just struck me as quite interesting and I’d love to get to know a little about different cultures and lifestyles and thoughts and ideas and beliefs. I don’t know what, but something drew me straight to this. Almost straight to you. If you’d like to just kind of read each other’s writings, that’d be really neat. I sincerely hope you don’t think I’m weird or something. 🙂

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